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Myths and Facts About the Kellas Hybrid Cat

You can find a lot of information about the Kellas hybrid cat online. Not all of the information that you find, though, tells the truth. This article separates the myths and facts about the Kellas hybrid cat so you will know accurate information about this interesting, rare breed.

Myth: Kellas Hybrid Cats Don’t Exist

For a long time, many people put Kellas hybrid cats in the same category as Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. No one could produce a specimen, so it made sense for people to reject the species as a myth.

That changed in 1984 when a Scottish gamekeeper found a dead Kellas cat caught in a snare. Poor, kitty! The species quickly leaped from the realms of cryptozoology to an independent breed known to roam the countryside.

Today, you can see a mounted specimen of a Kellas cat at the University of Aberdeen’s Zoology Museum. The cats still turn up occasionally in areas like Fife and Aberdeen.

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Fact: Kellas Hybrid Cats Can Reach Nearly Four Feet Long

Researchers don’t have many examples of Kellas cats, but they have found specimens that measure 43 inches long. That doesn’t include the tail, which can reach 12 inches long. Overall, you could find a Kellas hybrid cat measuring 55 inches from the tip of its head to the tip of its tail.

Fact: Kellas Cats Come From a Wild Breed

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Biologists don’t consider Kellas cats a formal breed of cat. Instead, the cat comes from a hybrid of domestic cats and a wild breed found in Scotland. The feral Scottish cat has bred with several species of domestic cats, which makes it nearly impossible to categorize the Kellas hybrid. Commonly, though, people still refer to the hybrids as Kellas cats.

Myth: You Can Keep a Kellas Cat as a Pet

If you find a Kellas kitten in the wild, you might think that it would make a good pet. After all, they look similar to other kittens. They just have heads that look a little too big for their bodies.

Over time, though, the kitten will grow into a wildcat with instincts to hunt and kill. Trying to keep one as a pet will put you, your loved ones, and other animals in danger. Even captive-born Kellas cats don’t change their wild ways.

Don’t expect a grown Kellas cat to curl up in your lap on a cold night. More likely, the cat will use its extremely strong hind legs and claws to destroy everything in your home. So long, couch!

Fact: Kellas Cats Are the Rarest Mammal in Britain

kellas cat

Very few Kellas cats still live in Britain. The few that remain typically live in the Scottish Highlands or in captivity. Scientists want to keep the species alive because it represents the last of Britain’s native cats.

Kellas hybrid cats don’t make good pets, but they deserve the chance to live in the wild where they can hunt prey and enjoy their lives. The cats can still interbreed with household cats, though. If you live anywhere near the Scottish Highlands, you should keep your cat indoors to prevent interbreeding. You do not want your cat to give birth to a litter of Kellas hybrids. Once they reach maturity, they will ruin your home.

What do you think about Kellas hybrid cats? Do you want to find one in the wild, or would you prefer letting them live in the wild?


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